Search Results
Clark Runs Away From His Problems -- (Smallville - S2; E23)
Smallville 2x23 - Clark leaves Lana and Smallville
Smallville S02E23
Smallville S02E23
Smallville 2x23 - Clark finds out there is a another key that can open his ship / Lana & Chloe
Clark Tries to Escape His Past -- (Smallville - S3; E1)
Clark Kent Finds Out Why He Was Sent to Earth -- (Smallville - S2; E17/E23)
Smallville 2x23 - Clark tells Lana that he always causes pain / Chloe accepts Lionel's offer
Smallville 2x23 - Clark destroyes his ship with the kryptonite key
Smallville Clark's Exile Runnin
Smallville 2x23 - Lex & Helen / Martha loses her baby because of Clark
John Glover on Getting Cast as Lionel Luthor in Smallville #smallville #dctv